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What Are The Differences Between Manufactured Homes and Modular Homes?

Manufactured vs. Modular

Some people use the terms “manufactured home” and “modular home” interchangeably. However, customers should understand the differences before shopping for a new home. The differences between manufactured & modular homes, where manufactured homes are built to the HUD code, and modular homes are built to the IRC code by the same home manufacturer are similar. Features and construction quality are nearly equal with modular priced slightly higher due to code requirements. We will, therefore discuss the differences between a HUD-manufactured home and an IRC modular home built by a modular-only builder.

Manufactured Homes (HUD)
Manufactured homes are built in a climate-controlled building facility utilizing assembly line construction technology. Manufactured homes are completed in sections, usually two or three, on a steel frame and chassis, then are transported (towed) to the home site with no assembly required at the site except mating of the sections, hooking up to utilities, carpet installation, etc. To compare, modular homes are shipped via flatbed trucks in sections called modules and assembled by a builder on site, often requiring crane service to lower modules onto the foundation. Manufactured home sections have a maximum width of approximately 16 feet and 76 feet in length with height restrictions dependent on highway transport requirements that differ from state to state, thereby limiting manufactured homes to single-story construction and minimal exterior elevations. Modular homes partially constructed on-site are available in any exterior design and configuration.

Other terms used to define manufactured homes are: 

  • Trailers
  • Mobile Homes
  • Single-wide Homes
  • Double-wide Homes

Modular Homes (IRC)
Modular homes are always built to be attached to private property and classified as real property and therefore qualify for conventional home mortgage financing. On the other hand, manufactured homes are usually placed, but not attached, to private property or sited in land-lease communities, and thereby do not qualify for residential financing. However, manufactured homes installed on private property using an approved foundation system may also qualify as real estate with conventional mortgage financing. Manufactured and modular homes have one fundamental thing in common: each is built to standards equal and sometimes superior to comparable site-built homes, and priced considerably less. Manufactured homes are up to 50% less expensive and modular homes are about 15 to 20% less, after factoring in the on-site assembly expense.

Other terms used to define modular homes are:

  • Prefab Homes
  • Factory-Built Homes
  • Pre-Manufactured Homes
  • System-Built Homes
  • Panelized Homes
  • Off-Site Built Homes
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